What Are The Benefits Of An AC Tune-Up?

Air conditioners are complex machines that require regular maintenance to keep working well. Much like your car, a well-cared-for air conditioner can last you a long time before needing to be replaced. Yearly maintenance and cleaning can help these machines last for sometimes 10 years or more. Neglecting regular maintenance, however, can lead to frequent breakdowns, high repair costs, and less efficient cooling for your home. Learn more about the benefits of an AC tune-up below.

Benefits of a Tune-Up

Like we mentioned above, an air conditioning tune-up should be completed yearly for the best results. During the tune-up, a qualified technician will inspect and clean internal parts for optimal functioning. This not only helps the parts last longer but also helps the unit run efficiently all summer long. Benefits of a tune-up include:

  • Saving money on cooling costs.
  • Preventing untimely breakdowns.
  • Getting ahead of any replacements needed. 
  • Avoiding suffering through the heat with a broken air conditioner. 
  • Peace of mind over a dependable unit.
  • Experiencing better air quality in your home.

A tune-up is necessary even if everything seems to be working fine right now. There may be a hidden concern that can come to light as the air conditioner works harder the further on it gets into summer. Plus, the deep cleaning helps parts move easier and be at a lower risk for failure.

Not only can a tune-up prevent a breakdown from occurring on the hottest day of the year, but it can also lead to some more subtle benefits like lower operational costs and faster cooling times. The best time to schedule an air conditioning tune-up is at the end of spring or beginning of summer, whenever you turn on your unit for the first time. This way you can take advantage of a well-functioning unit all season long.

What You Can Expect from a Tune-Up

During a tune-up, a skilled technician will thoroughly inspect in and around your air conditioning unit. This trained professional will:

  • Clean the coils.
  • Check refrigerant levels.
  • Search for leaks, cracks, or rust on any parts.
  • Lubricate machinery.
  • Replace the air filter.
  • Recalibrate the thermostat.
  • Remove debris from in and around the unit.
  • Check electrical connections.
  • Inspect worn out parts for repair or replacement.

If you notice a problem with your air conditioning unit, sometimes a simple tune-up can remedy the issue. It may have just been that your air filter was clogged or the coils were covered in too much dust to effectively cool the air. Even if the problem is bigger than what a good cleaning will solve, the technician will be able to spot what is causing the issue and offer suggestions for fixing it.

What if I need repair or replacement?

Even with regular tune-ups, there may be parts of an air conditioner that naturally wear out over time and need replacing. A trained technician will notice these potential disasters during a tune-up and can repair them before they cause any major issues. AC repair isn’t always expensive. Sometimes it is as simple as replacing a belt or replacing a burnt wire. If the motor or condenser has an issue, however, it may be worth performing an AC replacement instead of wasting money on repairs that will only buy you another year or two of time.

When a unit begins to have problems late in life (around the 10-year mark), replacement often becomes the smarter choice over the repair. Whether your unit is experiencing frequent issues or an extensive/expensive repair need, usually a replacement will cost less in the long run. A new unit not only provides dependable cooling, but many of the newer models run more efficiently than ever before. You may even save money on cooling costs as well.

A trained and qualified professional can complete your AC installation and get your home back to comfortable temperatures in no time. Because air conditioners contain delicate parts and hazardous refrigerants, only a skilled professional should perform a tune-up or installation.

When replacement becomes necessary, they can also show you various options available to you. You may choose a similar unit, or you can upgrade to an energy-efficient system for even more long-term savings. The technician will inspect the size of your home to make sure a new unit will adequately cool your home. If your home is not currently fitted with ducts and you want to switch to this type of cooling and heating method, they can also inspect your home for this possibility.